1. What have you learnt during the making of your Preliminary Task?
I've learnt the basics of how to edit videos using premier pro however I still need quite a bit of practice as, it is VERY basic knowledge. I still cannot add in special effects but match on action? I'm not too shabby even if I do say so myself.
Although we managed our time well I've learnt to at least leave a week minimum to edit all the videos together but two weeks would be better. It's also helpful to upload and sort through videos as you film them and not leave it all till editing. Doing this means you can easily see if the shots you've taken can be used or if they need to be redone. Do a day of filming, upload them all that night, sort them into useful and delete worthy.
With group work I learnt it should be fun cause otherwise you never want to get anything done however fun and actually doing the work should be well balance or you'll never meet the deadline. We did manage to balance this and got our task done in time without arguments or boredom.
Our storyboard was not the most extravagant but it worked. It showed us exactly the shots we needed to take and proved its usefulness. However we have learnt to always keep it with you when shooting. When it came to editing I realised we had strayed slightly from the original planned shots as we did not have it with us at the time, instead we looked at it, picked out some shots to do before hand, did some and improvised some to fit our wanted storyline. From this I've also learnt to make sure you're completely happy with the storyboard and know exactly how it fits together before you start shooting.
2. Areas of Success.
3. Areas of Development.
4. How well did you meet the brief?
I believe that we meet the brief pretty well in the time we had. We successfully managed to incorporate shot/reverse shot into our video in the segment of speech in order to show which character was talking. To fit with this we did not break the 180 degree rule which involves the characters having the same right/left. it helped make the characters conversation look more believable as to positioning.
5. Evaluate your contribution to the group work.
Within the group I had the task of camera work which was something I very much enjoyed. I had to work out the right angles to take shots from and make sure the setting was right for the shot (e.g lighting). I also helped a small amount with editing the final clips together. I was quite flexible with the time we had and was available to film every free period during school hours however did struggle out of hours. Luckily we had plenty of time to get everything done in free periods which made things a lot easier for all of us. I have also learnt that in a group although each person having an individual job makes it easier to organise it is also good to help each other as it takes the pressure off the group a bit more and balances the work load equally.