The Required, Rather Cringy, Introduction


I'm Josie and I prefer to see the world through a camera lens.
I'm massively interested in photography and have a habit of taking photos all the time, however the best photo opportunity's always seem to arise a soon as I put my camera away.

I would like to turn photography into a career and looking for lots of chances to do so which includes signing up for the 365 project. which I'm determined to but continuous with. Filming is a massive part of this course that I'm looking forward to as I believe I belong behind a camera, its where I'm most comfortable.
I'd also like to begin a YouTube channel after watching YouTubers such as Emma Blackery and Lukeisnotsexy (Luke Cutforth) but in order to do this I need to develop my editing skills as to be honest they're pretty shameful. My other worry with this is I have to be the other side of my lens. This is not my area of expertises.
I believe that taking Media is the best way to start heading down my wanted career path
I hope you'll enjoy reading through my blog and I'll try to make it as interesting as possible, which hopefully means I'll improve as I tend to be quite awkward and extremely cringy. Great.
I'm looking forward to making my own thriller on this course as it combines camera work with thrillers and I love both very much. However I am quite nervous about making a music video as that's a lot of video/sound syncing..
Hope you enjoy (and hope you're feeling generous Mr examiner!)

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