Levi Strauss was a media theorist who was less interested than most in a films order of events but more in its underlying themes and messages. From this he created the argument that a narrative depended on binary opposites and the conflicts between then two.
For example:
Good vs Evil
Hero vs Villian
Man vs Woman
Sociecty vs The individual
Harry Potter vs Voldemort
Deadpool vs Francis
House vs Illness
The oppositions can come in a huge range of forms.
Our Thriller
Our thriller will use a variety of binary oppositions. Our story will follow a basic binary opposition of government vs Rebellion however this will become blurry as members of the government join the rebellion, but this will cause the line of good and bad to be unclear. We'll also have in our clip, the binary opposition of security vs insecurity as a chase scene takes place through the centre of town which most people would consider a safe place.
Roland Barthes was a media theorist who came up with the concept of Narrative Codes. This consisted of five different forms of code that could be used in a media product to send the audience different messages. The codes consisted of:
Action code
Hermeneutic/Enigma Code
Semic Code
Cultural Code
Binary Oppositions
Action Code
An action code are often used to insinuate the next step taken in a sequence of events for example if a person is running down a street it makes you question why. Is the person running to something? From someone? and many other questions. It is often used to help create suspense.
Hermeneutic/Enigma code
This code is used to create a sense of mystery in a narrative which is done by controlling exactly how much information is passed on to an audience. Its designed to draw the audience in by creating a problem to be solved throughout the course of the production. For example at the beginning of each episode of House M.D a person becomes seriously ill, this illness is then diagnosed and cured (hopefully) by the end of each episode.
Semic Code
The Semic Code is used to add an extra layer of meaning to inform the viewer about different characters in a film or the narrative. Se7en for example showed a figure of a black cat in its opening scene which could represent Morgan Freemans character, detective William Somerset, to be superstitions.
Referential/Cultural Code
The cultural code refers to a form of knowledge such as cultural, scientific or historical. it relies on your knowledge outside of the film in order to gain a further understanding. A war film could be an example of this as it links to your historical knowledge.
Binary Oppositions
Roland Barthes started looking into the concept of Binary oppositions, the conflict between two terms, however this was explored further by Levi- Strauss (as explain on another blog post).
Our Thriller
In our thriller we'll be using some of these codes for example the government teenagers who have their hoods up. this would be a form of semic code in order to create a sense mistrust towards the character. We'd also use the referential code as our thriller is conspiracy base so it would require some knowledge on the UK government and historical events such as the conspiracy of Princess Diana's death.
Heres our little pair for our final piece of the thriller. Im working With Ben cause we work well together, proved by our preliminary task, and we have lots of ideas.