Levi-Strauss and Binary Oppositions


Levi Strauss
Levi Strauss was a media theorist who was less interested than most in a films order of events but more in its underlying themes and messages. From this he created the argument that a narrative depended on binary opposites and the conflicts between then two.
For example:
  • Good vs Evil
  • Hero vs Villian
  • Man vs Woman
  • Sociecty vs The individual
  • Harry Potter vs Voldemort
  • Deadpool vs Francis
  • House vs Illness
The oppositions can come in a huge range of forms.


Our Thriller

Our thriller will use a variety of binary oppositions. Our story will follow a basic binary opposition of government vs Rebellion however this will become blurry as members of the government join the rebellion, but this will cause the line of good and bad to be unclear. We'll also have in our clip, the binary opposition of security vs insecurity as a chase scene takes place through the centre of town which most people would consider a safe place.

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